Funny solar eclipse sayings

1. "I'm over the moon for this solar eclipse!"

2. "Eclipse glasses: the must-have accessory for today's fashion-forward astronomer."

3. "Sorry, I can't come to work today. I'm busy chasing the shadow of the moon."

4. "I'm so excited for the solar eclipse, I could just block out the sun!"

5. "Who needs a nightlight when you have a solar eclipse?"

6. "The sun's taking a break, it's eclipse time!"

7. "Solar eclipse: when the sun plays hide and seek with the moon."

8. "I'm feeling a little shady today, must be the solar eclipse."

9. "I'm not a morning person, but I'll make an exception for a solar eclipse."

10. "A solar eclipse is like a celestial game of peek-a-boo."

Above is Funny solar eclipse sayings.

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