Funny turning 50 sayings

1. "Turning 50 is like turning 40 in Celsius."

2. "Life begins at 50... well, maybe after a nap."

3. "At 50, you're halfway to a century-old bottle of wine."

4. "Fifty and fabulous... or at least fifty and trying to remember where you left your keys."

5. "Fifty is the new forty... until you try to stay up past 10 pm."

6. "Turning 50 is like being a fine wine - you only get better with age... and a little more expensive."

7. "Fifty: the age where you start to appreciate the joy of a good night's sleep."

8. "Fifty is when you start to realize that 'getting lucky' means finding a parking spot right in front of the store."

9. "Fifty: the age where you can finally start blaming your forgetfulness on 'senior moments.'"

10. "They say life begins at 50... but so do the doctor's appointments."

Above is Funny turning 50 sayings.

Lord krishna sayings in telugu

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