Funny urdu and punjabi sayings

Sure, here are some funny Urdu and Punjabi sayings:

1. "Jitni chadar ho utna pair phailao" (Spread your legs only as much as the blanket allows)

2. "Jitni lambi chaadar ho, utna hi pair failao" (Spread your legs only as much as the blanket allows)

3. "Doodh ka jala, chhaachh bhi phook phook kar peeta hai" (Once bitten, twice shy)

4. "Jhootay da sir saanu aapay pata lag janda ae" (The liar's head is known to us)

5. "Jithay de khot, uthe aan kutta" (Where there is a flaw, there the dog comes)

6. "Bhains ke aage been bajana" (Playing the flute in front of a buffalo)

7. "Jitne muh, utni baatein" (As many faces, as many stories)

8. "Chor ki darhi mein tinka" (A thorn in a thief's beard)

9. "Bhains ke aage been bajana" (Playing the flute in front of a buffalo)

10. "Jhootay da sir saanu aapay pata lag janda ae" (The liar's head is known to us)

These sayings are often used in a humorous context in Urdu and Punjabi-speaking cultures.

Above is Funny urdu and punjabi sayings.

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