Funny valentine cookie sayings

1. "Love is sweet, just like this cookie!"

2. "You stole a pizza my heart... and my cookie!"

3. "I love you more than cookies... and that's saying a lot!"

4. "You're one smart cookie for loving me!"

5. "I'm nuts about you... and cookies too!"

6. "You're the chocolate chips to my cookie heart."

7. "You're the sprinkles on top of my cookie love."

8. "You're the peanut butter to my cookie sandwich."

9. "You're the icing on the cookie of my life."

10. "Life is short, eat the cookie... and love me too!"

Above is Funny valentine cookie sayings.

Goblin slayer sayings

1. I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to kill goblins.2. Goblins are the scum of the earth, and I will exterminate every last one of them.3. Goblins may be weak individually, but in numbers they can be a formidable foe.4. I will not rest until every goblin nest is destroyed and every gobl

Sayings about building

1. A building is not just a place to live or work, it is a reflection of our dreams and aspirations.2. A strong foundation is the key to building a lasting legacy.3. Building bridges is always better than building walls.4. In the journey of life, we are all architects of our own destiny, buil

Sayings about yourself being beautiful

1. I am a masterpiece, beautifully crafted by the hands of the universe.2. My beauty radiates from within, reflecting my inner strength and grace.3. I am a rare gem, shining brightly with my unique beauty.4. I am a work of art, each imperfection adding to my beauty.5. My beauty is not defin

Christian latin sayings

1. In hoc signo vinces - In this sign you will conquer (motto of Constantine the Great)2. Fides quaerens intellectum - Faith seeking understanding (St. Anselm)3. Soli Deo gloria - Glory to God alone4. Deo gratias - Thanks be to God5. Dominus illuminatio mea - The Lord is my light (Psalm 27

Filipino christmas sayings

1. Maligayang Pasko! - Merry Christmas!2. Pasko na naman, ngunit wala ka pa rin. - It's Christmas again, but you're still not here.3. Pasko ay sumapit, tayo ay magdiwang! - Christmas has arrived, let's celebrate!4. Pasko na naman, simoy ng hangin ay nararamdaman. - It's Christmas again, the

Auctioneer funny sayings

1. Sold to the lady in the fabulous hat, who clearly knows a good deal when she sees one!2. I'm not just selling items, I'm selling dreams and memories!3. Who needs a crystal ball when you have my auctioneer skills?4. I've got more energy than a double shot of espresso, folks!5. If you snoo

Foodie quotes and sayings

1. Food is our common ground, a universal experience. - James Beard2. Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. - Guy Fieri3. One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. - Virginia Wool

Funny happy pictures with sayings

I'm glad you're looking for some humor! Here are a few funny happy pictures with sayings that might make you smile:1. A picture of a smiling dog with the caption: Happiness is a warm puppy.2. A cartoon of a cat wearing sunglasses with the saying: I'm feline good!3. An image of a sloth hanging fr

Corny eclipse sayings

1. Love shines brighter during an eclipse.2. Even in darkness, there is beauty.3. Like the moon and sun, we are destined to meet.4. In the shadow of the eclipse, our love will shine.5. Just as the moon covers the sun, my love for you is all-encompassing.6. Our love is like an eclipse, rar

Capitalist sayings pulling yourself up by the bootstraps

This saying is often used to emphasize the idea that individuals should take responsibility for their own success and work hard to improve their circumstances. It suggests that through hard work, determination, and self-reliance, individuals can achieve success and prosperity.