Funny yoga sayings t shirts

1. "Namast'ay in bed"

2. "Yoga pants are my happy pants"

3. "Savasana is my happy place"

4. "Yoga: because punching people is frowned upon"

5. "Yoga class: where I pretend to be a pretzel"

6. "I do yoga to relieve stress. Just kidding, I drink wine in yoga pants"

7. "Yoga: because punching people is frowned upon"

8. "Yoga is my therapy"

9. "Yoga is my happy hour"

10. "I bend so I don't break"

Above is Funny yoga sayings t shirts.

Relection sayings

1. The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance. - Alan Watts2. The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams. - Eleanor Roosevelt3. Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.

Itachi quotes sayings

1. People's lives don't end when they die. It ends when they lose faith.2. Knowledge and awareness are vague, and perhaps better called illusions. Everyone lives within their own subjective interpretation.3. The ones who aren't able to acknowledge their own selves are bound to fail.4. The tru

Taking advantage of a good situation sayings

1. Make hay while the sun shines.2. Strike while the iron is hot.3. Seize the moment.4. Make the most of a good thing.5. Make the best of a good situation.6. Make the most of every opportunity.7. Make the most of your blessings.8. Make the most of a golden opportunity.9. Make the mo

Sayings about troublemakers

1. Troublemakers are like dark clouds that bring stormy weather.2. Troublemakers sow seeds of chaos and reap whirlwinds of trouble.3. Troublemakers are like sparks in a dry forest, igniting fires of conflict.4. Troublemakers create waves of disruption in the calm waters of peace.5. Dealing

Heartfelt sayings to your daughter

1. My dear daughter, you are the light of my life and the joy in my heart. I am so grateful to have you as my daughter.2. You are my greatest blessing, my precious daughter. I love you more than words can express.3. Watching you grow and flourish fills me with pride and happiness. You are a rem

Poems and sayings about easter

1. Easter is a time of renewal,A time to rejoice and feel joyful,For Christ has risen, bringing hope,And with his love, we can cope.2. Easter eggs and bunnies too,Remind us of the love so true,That Christ has for us, each day,Guiding us along the way.3. Easter brings a message clear,Of love and

Common sayings in hawaii

1. Aloha kakahiaka - Good morning2. Aloha 'auinalā - Good afternoon3. Aloha ahiahi - Good evening4. Mahalo - Thank you5. Ohana - Family6. Hang loose - Relax, take it easy7. Pau hana - End of work day8. E komo mai - Welcome9. Ono grinds - Delicious food10. No need beef - No need t

Best vaishnava sayings

1. Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare. - Chanting the Hare Krishna mantra is a powerful way to connect with the divine.2. Serve God, love God, and always remember God. - This saying emphasizes the importance of devotion and service

Sayings about divorce and moving on

1. Sometimes, the best way to move forward is to let go of the past.2. Divorce is not the end of your story, but the beginning of a new chapter.3. Letting go of what's not meant for you can open the door to what is.4. Don't let the pain of divorce define you, let the strength you find in movi

Fox sleeping sayings and quotes

1. Let sleeping foxes lie. - Proverb2. Let the fox sleep in peace. - Unknown3. The fox may sleep, but its cunning never rests. - Unknown4. Even a sleeping fox is alert to danger. - Unknown5. A sleeping fox still has its wits about it. - Unknown6. The wise fox knows when to rest. - Unknow