Gannicus sayings

Gannicus, a character from the TV series "Spartacus," is known for his bold and memorable sayings. Here are a few of his famous lines:

1. "I am Gannicus, and I stand with my brothers!"

2. "The gods have seen fit to bless me with a warrior's heart, and the strength to wield a sword."

3. "Let the gods decide who is worthy of life and who is not. I will meet my end with sword in hand and a laugh upon my lips."

4. "I fight not for Rome, but for those I love and those who love me."

5. "In the arena, we are all equal. It is only the gods who decide our fate."

6. "I am a free man, and no man shall ever enslave me again."

7. "I will not die a coward's death. I will face my fate with courage and honor."

8. "Blood and honor are the only things worth fighting for."

9. "I have faced death a thousand times, and yet it still eludes me. Perhaps one day, it will find me worthy."

10. "I am Gannicus, the champion of Capua, and I will not be defeated by any man or any god."

Above is Gannicus sayings.

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