German sayings in ww2

During World War II, there were several German sayings that were commonly used by soldiers and civilians. Some of these sayings include:

1. "Für Führer, Volk und Vaterland" (For Leader, People, and Fatherland) - a slogan used to express loyalty to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi regime.

2. "Blut und Ehre" (Blood and Honor) - a motto of the Hitler Youth and a common expression of loyalty to the Nazi ideology.

3. "Sieg Heil" (Hail Victory) - a common salute used by supporters of the Nazi regime.

4. "Krieg ist die Fortsetzung der Politik mit anderen Mitteln" (War is the continuation of politics by other means) - a quote by Prussian military theorist Carl von Clausewitz, often used to justify the use of military force.

5. "Der Feind hört mit" (The enemy is listening) - a warning to be cautious about discussing sensitive information in public.

It's important to note that these sayings were used in a specific historical context and do not reflect the beliefs or values of modern Germany.

Above is German sayings in ww2.

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