Get lemons sayings

1. "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade."

2. "Sour as a lemon."

3. "Lemon fresh."

4. "The zest of life is in the lemons."

5. "A lemon a day keeps the doctor away."

6. "Lemon-scented memories."

7. "Turning lemons into lemon meringue pie."

8. "Lemon drops of sunshine."

9. "Life's a lemon, make lemonade."

10. "Squeeze the day."

Above is Get lemons sayings.

Yoga sayings in sanskrit

1. योगः चित्त-वृत्ति निरोधः (Yogaḥ citta-vṛtti nirodhaḥ) - Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.2. स्थिरं सुखम् आसनम् (Sthiraṁ sukham āsanam) - The posture should be steady and comfortable.3. तत्त्वमसि (Tat tvam asi) - You are that.4. अहं ब्रह्मास्मि (Ahaṁ brahmāsmi) - I am

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1. Together forever, never apart, maybe in distance, but never in heart.2. Love knows no distance, even in death.3. In life and in death, we are one.4. Eternally united in love and in spirit.5. Till death did us part, but love lives on.6. Two hearts, one soul, forever entwined.7. In eac

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1. Life is short, eat the cookie first.2. You're one smart cookie.3. Just keep dunkin'!4. Sweet dreams are made of these cookies.5. You're the chocolate to my chip.6. Life is better with a cookie in hand.7. Dunking is a way of life.8. Bite me, I'm delicious.9. Cookies make everythin

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Irish new year sayings and blessings

1. May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be always at your back.2. May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door.3. May the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields.4. May you have the hindsight

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Life old sayings

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