Gifts with n.ireland sayings

Here are some gift ideas with Northern Ireland sayings:

1. Tea Towel with "Keep 'er Lit" - a common phrase meaning to keep going or keep moving forward.

2. Mug with "Dead on" - a phrase used to describe something that is good or satisfactory.

3. Keychain with "Wee Dander" - a term for a short walk or stroll.

4. Coaster with "Quare" - a Northern Irish slang word meaning very or quite.

5. T-shirt with "Craic" - a term for fun or enjoyment.

6. Wall art with "Bout Ye" - a casual greeting meaning hello or how are you.

7. Magnet with "Baltic" - a term used to describe very cold weather.

8. Notebook with "Yer Ma" - a playful insult often used in Northern Ireland.

9. Apron with "Bake Me a Bap" - a request for someone to make a traditional Northern Irish bread roll.

10. Poster with "Danderin' Around" - a phrase for leisurely walking or wandering.

Above is Gifts with n.ireland sayings.

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