Good girly quotes and sayings

1. "She believed she could, so she did."

2. "Be a girl with a mind, a woman with attitude, and a lady with class."

3. "Strong women empower each other."

4. "Who runs the world? Girls!"

5. "Girls compete with each other, women empower one another."

6. "She is clothed in strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future."

7. "Girls just wanna have fun."

8. "Well-behaved women seldom make history."

9. "Empowered women empower women."

10. "Sugar, spice, and everything nice."

Above is Good girly quotes and sayings.

Mean spanish sayings

1. Más vale tarde que nunca - Better late than never2. A quien madruga, Dios le ayuda - The early bird catches the worm3. No hay mal que por bien no venga - Every cloud has a silver lining4. En boca cerrada no entran moscas - Silence is golden5. A caballo regalado no se le mira el dentado

July 4th inspirational sayings

1. Freedom lies in being bold. - Robert Frost2. We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. - Declaration of Independence3. Libe

Imam ali sayings about justice

Imam Ali, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, is known for his wisdom and teachings on justice. Here are some of his sayings about justice:1. Justice is the foundation of authority.2. The best judge is he who judges in favor of the oppressed.3. He who does not have forbearance ha

Funny sayings about men and relationships

1. Men are like parking spots, the good ones are always taken and the rest are handicapped.2. Men are like fine wine, they start out as grapes and it's up to women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.3. Men are like mascara, they usually r

Cute apology sayings

1. I'm sorry for my mistake, please forgive me.2. I messed up, but I promise to do better next time.3. I apologize for my actions, I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.4. I'm truly sorry for hurting you, I never meant to cause you pain.5. I regret my actions and I am sincerely

Christmas marquee sign sayings

1. Merry Christmas2. Joy to the World3. Ho Ho Ho4. Jingle All the Way5. Let it Snow6. Believe in the Magic of Christmas7. Peace on Earth8. Tis the Season9. Fa La La La La10. Warm Wishes

Quirky sayings about work

1. Work smarter, not harder.2. The early bird catches the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese.3. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary.4. I'm not a workaholic, I'm a work enthusiast.5. If you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life.6. Work lik

Quotes and sayings about relationships and love

1. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. - Audrey Hepburn2. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle3. In the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make. - The Beatles4. A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with t

Breaking bad sayings jesse

1. Yeah, science, bitch!2. Yo, Mr. White, I'm on it!3. I'm not a hero. I'm not a villain. I'm just a dude trying to make some cash.4. You either run from things, or you face them, Mr. White.5. I'm not turning down the money. I'm turning down you.6. You know, I've been thinking about that.

Baby clothes funny sayings

1. I cry, you cry, we all cry for milk!2. I'm not a regular baby, I'm a cool baby.3. I may be small, but I have big dreams.4. Naptime is my happy hour.5. I'm the boss, my parents just don't know it yet.6. Mommy's little troublemaker.7. Daddy's little sidekick.8. I'm not drooling, I'm