Goodbye sayings in hawaiian

1. Aloha ʻoe - Farewell to you

2. A hui hou - Until we meet again

3. E ō mai - Take care

4. Me ke aloha pumehana - With warmest aloha

5. Malama pono - Take care

6. A hui kaua - Until we meet again

7. No ka hui hou - Until the next meeting

8. E ō - Go in peace

9. A hui hou kakou - Until we meet again

10. Mahalo nui loa - Thank you very much

Above is Goodbye sayings in hawaiian.

Nosy sayings and

1. Curiosity killed the cat.2. Mind your own beeswax.3. Don't poke your nose where it doesn't belong.4. Snooping is rude.5. Keep your nose out of other people's business.6. Stop being a busybody.7. Don't be a nosy parker.8. If you go looking for trouble, you'll find it.9. Don't ask

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Coexist holiday sayings

1. Peace on Earth, goodwill to all.2. Happy holidays and may we all find joy in our differences.3. Embrace the spirit of the season and celebrate our diversity.4. May the holiday season bring us together in harmony and understanding.5. Wishing you a season of love, unity, and coexistence.6

Piggy bank gifts sayings

1. Save your pennies for a rainy day!2. A little change can go a long way.3. Invest in your future, one coin at a time.4. Watch your savings grow, just like a piggy bank.5. Every penny saved is a step towards your goals.6. Don't break the bank, save in your piggy bank!7. Saving today fo

Funny bajan sayings

1. De higher de monkey climb, de more he show he tail. - Meaning that someone who boasts or shows off too much will eventually reveal their true nature.2. Don't count yuh chickens before dey hatch. - Advising against being overly confident or making assumptions before something is certain.3. De

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Angel wings shirts with sayings

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