Gravestone sayings christian

1. "Well done, good and faithful servant." - Matthew 25:23

2. "In God's hands, forever in our hearts."

3. "Rest in peace, beloved child of God."

4. "Gone but not forgotten, forever in our hearts."

5. "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies." - John 11:25

6. "May the angels lead you into paradise."

7. "Forever in our hearts, forever in His presence."

8. "Resting in the arms of Jesus."

9. "In loving memory of a faithful servant of God."

10. "Peace, perfect peace, with loved ones far away."

Above is Gravestone sayings christian.

English popular sayings about pain

1. No pain, no gain.2. Pain is temporary, pride is forever.3. Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.4. The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow.5. Pain makes you stronger, tears make you braver, and heartbreaks make you wiser.6. The greater your storm, the bright

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1. Merry and bright, all day and night.2. Jingle all the way, it's Christmas Day!3. May your days be merry and bright, and may all your Christmases be white.4. Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la, la la la la.5. Believe in the magic of Christmas.6. Christmas is not a season, it's a

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1. The heart was made to be broken. - Oscar Wilde2. Love is like a war: easy to begin but very hard to stop. - H. L. Mencken3. Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs. - William Shakespeare4. Sometimes the person you'd take a bullet for ends up being the one behind the gun. - Unknown5.

Sayings of justin martyr

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Awesome church sign sayings

1. Faith is not believing that God can, it's knowing that He will.2. Don't let your worries get the best of you, let God get the best of them.3. Trust in God's timing, it's always perfect.4. When life gives you more than you can stand, kneel.5. God's love is like a candle in the darkness, i