Megatron transformers sayings and quotes

1. "Peace through tyranny."

2. "I am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons!"

3. "You cannot hide, Autobot. I am the master of deception."

4. "I will crush you like the insect you are!"

5. "There is no escape from Megatron's wrath."

6. "I will not rest until I have conquered all of Cybertron."

7. "Decepticons, attack!"

8. "I am the true ruler of Cybertron, and I will not be stopped."

9. "You may have won this battle, Autobot, but the war is far from over."

10. "Fear me, for I am Megatron, the ultimate power in the universe!"

Above is Megatron transformers sayings and quotes.

Dirty hands sayings

1. Dirty hands, clean money.2. Get your hands dirty.3. Dirty hands, clean heart.4. A little dirt never hurt anyone.5. Dirty hands make for a hard day's work.6. The best things in life make your hands dirty.7. Clean hands, empty pockets.8. You can't build a reputation on what you're go

Short lighthouse sayings

1. Be a beacon of light in someone's darkness.2. Guiding ships to safety in the stormy sea of life.3. Let your light shine bright like a lighthouse.4. In a world full of darkness, be a lighthouse of hope.5. Stay grounded like a lighthouse, even in the midst of chaos.6. Illuminate the path

1930s sayings

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1. La vie est un mystère qu'il faut vivre, et non un problème à résoudre. - Gandhi2. La vie est faite de petits bonheurs. 3. Chaque jour est une nouvelle chance de changer votre vie.4. La vie est un voyage, pas une destination.5. Soyez le changement que vous voulez voir dans le monde. - Ga

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1. May your pot of gold be full to the brim and your heart light as a feather.2. There's more than just gold at the end of the rainbow, there's also luck and happiness.3. A pot of gold is only valuable if you share it with those you love.4. In the end, it's not the gold in the pot that matter

Boaters favorite sayings

1. A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor.2. The best days are spent on the water.3. Life is better on a boat.4. Saltwater heals everything.5. Boat hair, don't care.6. Sail away from the safe harbor.7. The ocean is calling and I must go.8. Wind in my sails, salt in the air, freedom

Being together quotes and sayings

1. Together is a wonderful place to be. 2. Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. - Helen Keller3. We may not have it all together, but together we have it all. 4. Life is better when we're together. 5. Teamwork makes the dream work. 6. Together we are stronger. 7. In th

Office politics quotes and sayings

1. Office politics is just another term for the game of survival. - Robert Greene2. In the world of office politics, it's not always the most talented who succeed, but the most strategic. - Unknown3. Office politics is the art of getting along with others while getting ahead of them. - Garry T

Old horse sayings

1. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.2. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.3. Beating a dead horse.4. A horse of a different color.5. Hold your horses.6. Putting the cart before the horse.7. Straight from the horse's mouth.8. Wild horses couldn't drag me awa

Bushwhacked quotes sayings

1. Life is full of surprises, and sometimes you get bushwhacked. 2. Don't let yourself get bushwhacked by the unexpected challenges that come your way. 3. When life bushwhacks you, stand tall and keep moving forward. 4. Being bushwhacked is just a part of the journey, embrace the challenge an