Great wwe rock sayings

1. "If you smell what The Rock is cooking!"

2. "Just bring it!"

3. "Know your role and shut your mouth!"

4. "Layeth the smacketh down!"

5. "Boots to asses!"

6. "It doesn't matter what you think!"

7. "Finally, The Rock has come back to (insert city)!"

8. "The jabroni beating, pie eating, trailblazing, eyebrow raising, the best in the present, future, and past, and if you don't like me, I got two words for ya!"

9. "The most electrifying man in sports entertainment!"

10. "The Rock says this: know your damn role and shut your damn mouth!"

Above is Great wwe rock sayings.

Quotes & sayings with the word stitch

1. A stitch in time saves nine.2. Life is a tapestry of moments, each stitch woven with love.3. Love is the thread that binds us, stitching our hearts together.4. In the tapestry of life, we are all just threads waiting to be stitched together.5. Sometimes the smallest stitch can make the b

Sting wrestler sayings

1. The only thing that's for sure about Sting is that nothing's for sure.2. It's showtime, folks!3. I'm not here to play games, I'm here to win.4. The stinger strikes when you least expect it.5. I bring the pain, I bring the fight, and I bring the energy.6. You can't stop the stinger, you

Confermation sayings for cards

1. Congratulations on your achievement! You deserve all the success coming your way.2. Wishing you continued success and happiness in all your endeavors.3. May this accomplishment be the first of many wonderful milestones in your life.4. Your hard work and dedication have truly paid off. Cong

Sayings health is wealth

Health is wealth.

2nd birthday cake sayings

1. Two sweet years of love and laughter!2. Double the fun, double the joy, happy 2nd birthday!3. Two years old and already so much to celebrate!4. Two years of blessings, two years of happiness!5. Turning two is twice as nice!6. Two years of giggles, two years of grins, happy birthday lit

Sayings about being young

1. Youth is the gift of nature, but age is a work of art. - Stanislaw Jerzy Lec2. Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. - Samuel Ullman3. The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible - and achieve it, generation after generation. - Pearl S

Cookie do sayings

1. Life is short, eat the cookie.2. Cookies make everything better.3. One cookie a day keeps the frowns away.4. Cookies are the answer, who cares what the question is.5. Stressed spelled backwards is desserts, so eat a cookie.6. Cookies: because adulting is hard.7. You can't buy happine

Cute new home owner sayings

1. Home is where the heart is, and my heart is here.2. Making memories, one room at a time.3. Home sweet home, finally mine to call my own.4. From house to home, a place to truly call my own.5. Nestled in my new nest, feeling truly blessed.6. Turning a house into a home, one cozy corner a

Sayings about assholes

1. An asshole is like a splinter in your mind, constantly irritating and impossible to ignore.2. Dealing with an asshole is like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall.3. Assholes are like onions, they have many layers of unpleasantness.4. An asshole is like a dark cloud that follows you around, rai

Italian partisan sayings

1. La libertà non si chiede, si conquista. (Freedom is not asked for, it is conquered.)2. Meglio morire in piedi che vivere in ginocchio. (Better to die standing than to live on your knees.)3. Chi non combatte è complice. (Those who do not fight are accomplices.)4. La resistenza è vita, l'obb