Sayings about assholes

1. "An asshole is like a splinter in your mind, constantly irritating and impossible to ignore."

2. "Dealing with an asshole is like trying to nail Jell-O to a wall."

3. "Assholes are like onions, they have many layers of unpleasantness."

4. "An asshole is like a dark cloud that follows you around, raining on your parade."

5. "Trying to reason with an asshole is like trying to teach a pig to sing - it wastes your time and annoys the pig."

6. "Assholes are like mosquitoes, buzzing around and sucking the joy out of life."

7. "Dealing with an asshole is like walking on eggshells, trying not to set off their explosive behavior."

8. "An asshole is like a black hole, sucking in all the positivity and light around them."

9. "Assholes are like weeds in the garden of life, constantly popping up and choking out the beauty."

10. "Trying to please an asshole is like trying to fill a bucket with a hole in it - a futile and frustrating endeavor."

Above is Sayings about assholes.

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