Grounder death sayings the 100

Here are some memorable death sayings from the Grounders in the TV show "The 100":

1. "May we meet again." - This is a common Grounder farewell that is often said when parting ways or facing death.

2. "Your fight is over." - This is a respectful way of acknowledging someone's death and honoring their struggle.

3. "From the ashes, we will rise." - This saying reflects the Grounder belief in resilience and the ability to overcome challenges, even in the face of death.

4. "The cycle must be broken." - This saying is often used when a Grounder believes that a pattern of violence or conflict must come to an end, even if it means sacrificing their own life.

5. "Death is not the end." - This saying reflects the Grounder belief in an afterlife or a continuation of existence beyond death.

These sayings capture the Grounder culture's beliefs and attitudes towards death, sacrifice, and the cycle of life and death.

Above is Grounder death sayings the 100.

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