Grumpy valentines day sayings

1. "Roses are red, violets are blue, Valentine's Day is overrated, and so are you."

2. "Love is in the air, but so is my irritation with this commercialized holiday."

3. "Valentine's Day: the one day a year where you're expected to be romantic, but I'd rather just be left alone."

4. "Cupid must have missed me this year, because I'm feeling anything but lovey-dovey."

5. "Valentine's Day is just a reminder that I'm single and bitter about it."

6. "If love is blind, then Valentine's Day is just a way to make us all see red."

7. "Roses are expensive, chocolates are overrated, and Valentine's Day is just a way for companies to make money off of our emotions."

8. "Valentine's Day: the perfect day to remind me that I'm forever alone."

9. "Love is in the air, but so is my disdain for this cheesy holiday."

10. "Valentine's Day: the one day a year where I'm reminded of how much I hate heart-shaped everything."

Above is Grumpy valentines day sayings.

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