Guernsey sayings

Here are a few Guernsey sayings:

1. "Mind how you go" - a polite way of saying "be careful" or "take care".

2. "A penny for your thoughts" - a way of asking someone what they are thinking or feeling.

3. "Donkey's years" - a long time, often used to describe how long someone has been doing something.

4. "Guernsey butter wouldn't melt" - a way of describing someone who appears innocent or sweet, but may have a mischievous side.

5. "Up the wooden hill to Bedfordshire" - a playful way of saying it's time to go to bed.

6. "As happy as a sandboy" - a saying to describe someone who is very content or carefree.

7. "In the pink" - to be in good health or feeling well.

8. "Like a rat up a drainpipe" - to describe someone who moves quickly or eagerly.

9. "As keen as mustard" - to describe someone who is enthusiastic or eager.

10. "On the horns of a dilemma" - to be in a difficult situation with two equally undesirable options.

Above is Guernsey sayings.

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