Halirious australian sayings

1. "Flat out like a lizard drinking" - meaning very busy or working hard

2. "As useful as an ashtray on a motorbike" - describing something or someone as pointless

3. "Mad as a cut snake" - referring to someone who is acting crazy or irrational

4. "He's got kangaroos loose in the top paddock" - suggesting someone is a bit crazy or not all there

5. "It's like trying to herd cats" - describing a situation that is chaotic or difficult to control

6. "She'll be right, mate" - expressing confidence that everything will be okay

7. "Strewth!" - an expression of surprise or disbelief

8. "Up a gum tree" - meaning in a difficult or tricky situation

9. "It's a bit of a furphy" - referring to a rumor or story that is not true

10. "Fair dinkum" - meaning genuine or true

Above is Halirious australian sayings.

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