Happy valentines day funny sayings

1. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm terrible at rhyming, let's order pizza for two."

2. "Love is in the air...along with the smell of burnt popcorn from our failed attempt at cooking dinner."

3. "Who needs a Valentine when you have Netflix and a cozy blanket?"

4. "Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet, and so are you...sometimes."

5. "Valentine's Day: the one day a year where it's socially acceptable to eat chocolate for breakfast."

6. "Love is like a fart, if you have to force it, it's probably crap."

7. "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm not good at poetry, but I still love you."

8. "Valentine's Day: the perfect excuse to eat all the chocolate you want and blame it on love."

9. "Love is like a box of chocolates...you never know what you're gonna get, but you hope it's not the coconut-filled ones."

10. "Valentine's Day: the one day a year where it's totally acceptable to be cheesy and corny...just like this card."

Above is Happy valentines day funny sayings.

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