Philly cheesesteak sayings

1. "Whiz wit" - Ordering a cheesesteak with Cheez Whiz and onions

2. "One whiz, one wit" - Ordering one cheesesteak with Cheez Whiz and one with onions

3. "No whiz, extra wit" - Ordering a cheesesteak without Cheez Whiz but with extra onions

4. "Make it a hoagie" - Asking for a cheesesteak to be served on a hoagie roll

5. "Go heavy on the meat" - Requesting extra steak in the cheesesteak

6. "Double meat, double cheese" - Requesting extra steak and cheese in the cheesesteak

7. "Hold the peppers" - Asking for the sandwich to be made without hot peppers

8. "All the way" - Ordering a cheesesteak with all the traditional toppings (onions, Cheez Whiz, and hot peppers)

9. "Easy on the mayo" - Requesting a lighter amount of mayonnaise on the sandwich

10. "Philly style, please" - Indicating that you want the cheesesteak made in the traditional Philadelphia way

Above is Philly cheesesteak sayings.

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