Hawaiian pidgin sayings

1. "Da kine" - a versatile phrase that can mean "the thing," "the stuff," or "the one."

2. "Bumbai you learn" - a phrase meaning "you'll learn eventually" or "you'll figure it out later."

3. "No can" - a way of saying "can't" or "unable to do something."

4. "Talk story" - to have a casual conversation or chat.

5. "Aloha spirit" - the idea of showing love, kindness, and compassion to others.

6. "Shoots" - a way of saying "okay" or "alright."

7. "Grindz" - food or a meal.

8. "Lolo" - crazy or foolish.

9. "Pau hana" - done with work or finished for the day.

10. "Broke da mouth" - a way of saying that food is delicious or satisfying.

Above is Hawaiian pidgin sayings.

Patron sayings

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Bruce lee quotes and sayings

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