Hawaiian sayings

1. "Aloha nui loa" - means "much love" or "very much love"

2. "E komo mai" - means "welcome" or "come in"

3. "Mahalo" - means "thank you"

4. "Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten" - a quote from the movie Lilo and Stitch that reflects the importance of family in Hawaiian culture

5. "Pono" - means "righteousness" or "balance"

6. "E hele me ka pu'olo" - means "go with a bundle" or "travel lightly"

7. "Malama pono" - means "take care" or "be well"

8. "He ali'i ka 'aina, he kauwa ke kanaka" - means "the land is chief, man is its servant" emphasizing the importance of respecting and caring for the land

9. "E ola mau ka 'olelo Hawai'i" - means "may the Hawaiian language live on forever" highlighting the importance of preserving the Hawaiian language and culture

10. "Nana i ke kumu" - means "look to the source" or "seek the truth"

Above is Hawaiian sayings.

Redneck sayings about the cold

1. It's colder than a witch's tit in a brass bra out here.2. Cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey.3. It's so cold, I saw a chicken with a capon.4. Cold as a well digger's ass in January.5. Colder than a polar bear's toenails.6. It's so cold, the dog's stuck to the fire hydra

Silly sayings to make you smile

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Grief sayings

1. Grief is the price we pay for love. - Queen Elizabeth II2. Grief is the last act of love we have to give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love. - Unknown3. Grief is like the ocean; it comes on waves ebbing and flowing. Sometimes the water is calm, and sometimes i

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1. Save the girl child, save the future.2. A girl child is a blessing, not a burden.3. Stop the violence, save the girl child.4. Let girls grow, don't let them go.5. Educate a girl child, empower a nation.6. Girls are not a commodity, they are our future.7. Say no to foeticide, say yes

Muggle sayings for christmas

1. Deck the halls2. Jingle all the way3. Ho, ho, ho4. Tis the season to be jolly5. Silent night, holy night6. Peace on earth, goodwill to men7. Joy to the world8. Let it snow9. Fa la la la la, la la la la10. Santa Claus is coming to town

Old monuments sayings

1. History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul. - Lord Acton2. Monuments are the grappling-irons that bind one generation to another. - Joseph Joubert3. Monuments are the grappling-irons that bind one generation to another. - Joseph Joubert4. Monuments are the memori

Pantivala sayings on law day

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Nonverbal communication sayings

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. A picture is worth a thousand words.3. Body language speaks volumes.4. The eyes are the window to the soul.5. Silence speaks volumes.6. A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.7. Let your actions do the talking.8. Sometimes a smile says it all.9. The way you

Cremation quotes and sayings

1. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, may your spirit rest in peace.2. From dust we came, to dust we return.3. In the end, we are all just ashes and memories.4. Death is not the end, but a new beginning.5. Gone but never forgotten, your memory lives on in our hearts.6. In the circle of life, w

Overused sayings about love

1. Love conquers all.2. Love is blind.3. All you need is love.4. Love at first sight.5. Love makes the world go round.6. Love is a battlefield.7. Love is a two-way street.8. Love is patient, love is kind.9. Love will find a way.10. Love is like a rose, beautiful but with thorns.