Hawaiian sayings about beauty

1. "Ua ola loko i ke aloha" - Love gives life within.

2. "He 'ōpū hānau mua ke aloha" - Love is like a firstborn child.

3. "Nānā i ke kumu" - Look to the source (beauty comes from within).

4. "He 'ōpū hānau ke aloha" - Love is like a second child.

5. "Aloha nui loa" - Much love.

6. "E hoʻi i ka poli" - Return to the bosom (beauty is found in simplicity).

7. "Maikaʻi ke aloha, ʻaʻohe loaʻa i ka hala" - Love is like a beautiful flower, there is no blame.

8. "He aliʻi ka ʻāina, he kauā ke kanaka" - The land is a chief, man is its servant (beauty is found in nature).

9. "E mālama i ka ʻāina, e mālama i ke kai, pili ka hānau" - Take care of the land, take care of the sea, they are connected at birth (beauty is in the interconnectedness of all things).

10. "ʻAʻohe pau ka ʻike i ka hālau hoʻokahi" - All knowledge is not taught in one school (beauty is diverse and can be found in many forms).

Above is Hawaiian sayings about beauty.

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