Hazrat ali sayings on azadari

Hazrat Ali (RA) has emphasized the importance of mourning and remembering the tragedy of Karbala in several sayings. Here are a few of his sayings related to Azadari:

1. "He who remembers our suffering and sheds tears for us, or makes others weep, God shall make his face forbidden on the Fire, and forbidden shall be his flesh on the Day of Resurrection."

2. "Beware! The Prophet's family is a tree of mercy; the tree of prophethood; the tree of divine mission; and the tree of knowledge. So, learn the knowledge from them, seek mercy through them, and approach the divine mission through them."

3. "O people! The Prophet's family is the ark of Noah. Whoever embarks upon it is saved, and whoever lags behind is drowned."

These sayings highlight the importance of mourning and remembering the tragedy of Karbala as a way to seek mercy and blessings from Allah.

Above is Hazrat ali sayings on azadari.

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