Headstone sayings for child

1. "Forever in our hearts"

2. "Gone too soon, but never forgotten"

3. "An angel taken too soon"

4. "A precious child of God"

5. "In loving memory of a beautiful soul"

6. "Too pure for this world"

7. "Forever young, forever loved"

8. "Our littlest angel"

9. "Though small in size, your impact was great"

10. "You will always be our sunshine"

Above is Headstone sayings for child.

Religious sayings that go with wind

1. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit. - John 3:82. The wind carries the whispers of God's love and mercy to those who listen with open hearts. 3. Just as the wind cannot

New england patriots sayings

1. Do Your Job2. In Bill We Trust3. Patriots Nation4. We're on to [next opponent]5. No Days Off6. Ignore the Noise7. One More8. Do Your Job, Finish the Job9. The Patriot Way10. We Are All Patriots

Human kindness sayings

1. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - Plato2. Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see. - Mark Twain3. No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop4. Kindness is the language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Amusing yorkshire sayings

1. There's nowt so queer as folk - Translation: People are strange.2. Eeh by gum! - Expression of surprise or disbelief.3. Where there's muck, there's brass - Meaning that hard work can lead to wealth.4. It's like trying to get blood out of a stone - Describing a difficult task.5. Tha' can

Hecate sayings

1. I am the keeper of the crossroads, the guardian of the night. Seek my guidance and I shall illuminate your path.2. In darkness, there is power. Embrace the shadows within you and let them guide you to your true destiny.3. I am the goddess of magic and transformation. Embrace change and let i

Sayings about resolve

1. Resolve is the strength within that keeps us going when everything seems to be falling apart.2. With resolve, even the impossible becomes possible.3. Resolve is the fuel that propels us towards our goals, no matter the obstacles in our way.4. In the face of adversity, resolve is the unwave

Pretty sayings in different languages

1. French: La vie est belle (Life is beautiful)2. Spanish: El amor todo lo puede (Love conquers all)3. Italian: Dolce far niente (The sweetness of doing nothing)4. Japanese: 一期一会 (Ichigo ichie - Once in a lifetime encounter)5. German: Die Hoffnung stirbt zuletzt (Hope dies last)6. Russian:

Firefighter sayings phrases

1. Courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.2. When others run out, we run in.3. Bravery is not the absence of fear, but the action in the face of fear.4. Heroes are ordinary people who do extraordinary things.5. In the heart of every firefighter burns the desire to save

Potential sayings against

Against all odds, we will prevail.Stand strong against the storm.Never back down, even when the odds are against you.Defy the odds and rise above.Courage is standing strong against adversity.Strength is found in standing firm against challenges.Resilience is fighting back against the od

Valentine sayings for son

1. You are my heart walking outside my body, son.2. You are the greatest gift I have ever received, my dear son.3. You fill my heart with love and joy every day, son.4. You are my sunshine on even the cloudiest days, son.5. I am so grateful to have a son as wonderful as you in my life.6.