Hershey bar valentine sayings

1. "You're the sweetest thing in my life, just like this Hershey bar."

2. "You make my heart melt like chocolate."

3. "You're the peanut butter to my chocolate."

4. "Life is sweeter with you by my side."

5. "You're my favorite treat, just like this Hershey bar."

6. "You're the caramel to my chocolate."

7. "I love you more than chocolate, and that's saying a lot."

8. "You're the perfect mix of sweet and love, just like this Hershey bar."

9. "You're my Valentine, my sweetest delight."

10. "You're the cherry on top of my chocolatey day."

Above is Hershey bar valentine sayings.

Polo sayings

1. Polo is not just a game, it's a way of life.2. Four legs, four hooves, one passion: polo.3. Polo: where elegance meets adrenaline.4. In polo, every ride is a new adventure.5. Polo players: the modern-day knights of the field.6. Polo is not a sport, it's a lifestyle.7. Horses, mallets

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Running sayings instagram

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