Hilarious fortune cookie sayings

1. "You will soon be surrounded by good friends and cheap wine."

2. "You will find true love in a bowl of noodles."

3. "Your luck will change when you stop taking advice from fortune cookies."

4. "You will inherit a fortune cookie factory and become the master of your own destiny."

5. "You will soon embark on a journey to find the perfect dumpling."

6. "Your future holds a surprise party with a fortune cookie cake."

7. "You will discover the secret to eternal happiness is a never-ending supply of fortune cookies."

8. "You will soon be the life of the party with your hilarious fortune cookie jokes."

9. "You will find success by following the advice of a particularly wise fortune cookie."

10. "You will soon realize that the best fortunes come from within."

Above is Hilarious fortune cookie sayings.

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1. الحب أعمى والعاشق غنيمة (Love is blind and the lover is a prize)2. الحب يبدأ بابتسامة وينمو بقبلة وينتهي بدمعة (Love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss, and ends with a tear)3. حبي لك لا يعرف حدوداً (My love for you knows no bounds)4. أنت الشمس التي تضيء حياتي (You are the sun that br

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1. Don't let smoking cloud your wings, soar above it.2. Smoking is a habit that dims your halo, let it go.3. Angels don't need smoke to fly, they have their own wings.4. Your body is a temple, don't let smoke tarnish it.5. Breathe in the fresh air of life, not the toxic fumes of cigarettes.

Cute sayings for reusable totes

1. Tote-ally eco-friendly!2. Carry on, planet lover!3. Tote-ally awesome and reusable!4. Tote-ally making a difference, one bag at a time!5. Tote-ally stylish and sustainable!6. Tote-ally green and clean!7. Tote-ally rocking the reusable trend!8. Tote-ally saving the planet in style!

Best pimp sayings

1. I'm not a player, I just crush a lot.2. I'm not a pimp, I'm a boss.3. I make money moves, not excuses.4. I don't chase, I replace.5. I'm not here to play games, I'm here to make money.6. I'm the king of the streets, ruling with style and finesse.7. I don't need luck, I make my own de