Hilarious funny sayings about life

1. "Life is like a rollercoaster, full of ups and downs, twists and turns, and occasionally someone throws up."

2. "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get, but you can bet at least one will be a weird flavor no one likes."

3. "Life is like a game of Monopoly, you start off with high hopes and dreams, but end up bankrupt and arguing with your family."

4. "Life is like a sitcom, full of ridiculous situations, quirky characters, and laugh tracks that make you wonder if anyone else finds it as absurd as you do."

5. "Life is like a comedy show, sometimes you're the punchline, sometimes you're the one laughing, and sometimes you're just confused and wondering why you're even watching."

6. "Life is like a comedy of errors, where you try to do one thing and end up doing everything wrong, but at least it makes for a good story later."

7. "Life is like a stand-up comedy routine, full of awkward moments, embarrassing situations, and the occasional heckler who just won't let you live it down."

8. "Life is like a sitcom, you never know what ridiculous plot twist is coming next, but you can always count on a laugh track to tell you when it's supposed to be funny."

Above is Hilarious funny sayings about life.

Expecting parents quotes and sayings

1. Becoming a parent is the moment when all of life's battles suddenly seem worth fighting for. 2. A baby is something you carry inside you for nine months, in your arms for three years, and in your heart until the day you die. 3. Parenthood: the scariest hood you'll ever go through. 4. Havin

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1. Capricorns are like fine wine, they only get better with age.2. A Capricorn's determination is unmatched, they will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.3. Patience is a virtue, and Capricorns have it in abundance.4. Capricorns may appear reserved, but underneath that exterior lies a hea

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1. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. - Nicholas Sparks2. The saddest thing about love is that not only that it cannot last forever, but that heartbreak is soon forgotten. - William Faulkner3. I wish I could turn back the clock. I'd find you sooner and love you longer.

Family guy character with odd sayings

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Sayings on aprons

1. Life is short, lick the bowl.2. Queen of the kitchen.3. Happiness is homemade.4. This kitchen is seasoned with love.5. Cooking is love made visible.6. Sip happens, wine helps.7. Chop it like it's hot.8. I kiss better than I cook.9. Bake the world a better place.10. I'm sorry fo

Summer bbq sayings

1. Grill and chill.2. Sizzle and savor.3. Sun's out, buns out.4. BBQ and good vibes.5. Meat me at the grill.6. Grillin' and chillin' with my favorite people.7. Life is better with BBQ.8. Summer vibes and BBQ delights.9. Get your grill on.10. BBQ: Where the magic happens.

Rupauls drag race sayings

1. Sashay away - used when a contestant is eliminated from the competition.2. Shantay, you stay - used when a contestant is saved from elimination.3. Condragulations - a play on congratulations used to praise a contestant's performance.4. Reading is fundamental - a reminder to contestants

Korean wedding sayings

1. 새로운 인생을 시작하는 니들의 행복을 기원합니다. (Wishing you happiness as you start your new life together.)2. 서로를 이해하고 존중하는 사랑으로 가득한 결혼이 되길 바랍니다. (May your marriage be filled with love, understanding, and respect for each other.)3. 영원한 사랑으로 함께하는 삶이 되길 기원합니다. (Wishing you a lifetime of love and happiness toget

1st birthday thank you sayings

1. Thank you for making my first birthday so special!2. I may not remember this day, but I will always cherish the love and joy you brought to my first birthday celebration.3. Your presence and thoughtful gifts made my first birthday even more memorable. Thank you!4. I may be little, but I am