Holiday card sayings religious

1. "May the light of the Lord shine upon you this holiday season."

2. "Wishing you peace, joy, and blessings in the name of Jesus Christ."

3. "May the miracle of Christmas fill your heart with love and faith."

4. "Sending you prayers for a blessed and joyous holiday season."

5. "May the birth of our Savior bring you hope and happiness this Christmas."

6. "May God's love and grace be with you and your family this holiday."

7. "May the spirit of Christmas bring you closer to God and to each other."

8. "Blessings of the season to you and your loved ones, in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit."

9. "Rejoice in the Lord always, and may His presence be felt in your home this holiday."

10. "May the true meaning of Christmas fill your heart with faith, hope, and love."

Above is Holiday card sayings religious.

Janmashtami sayings

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Ancient scottish sayings

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