Japanese war sayings

Here are some Japanese war sayings that reflect the spirit and philosophy of Japanese warriors:

1. "Bushi no ichigon" (武士の一言) - One word of a warrior.

2. "Kachidoki" (勝ちどき) - Victory at the moment of death.

3. "Shikyo no rei" (死去の霊) - The spirit of death.

4. "Senjin no kokoro" (戦士の心) - The heart of a warrior.

5. "Katsujin-ken" (活人剣) - The sword that gives life.

6. "Kishikaisei" (起死回生) - Resuscitation from certain death.

7. "Senso no kagaku" (戦争の科学) - The science of war.

8. "Shinobi no jutsu" (忍びの術) - The art of stealth.

9. "Heiwa no tameni, senso" (平和のために、戦争) - War for the sake of peace.

10. "Bunbu ryodo" (文武両道) - The way of pen and sword in harmony.

Above is Japanese war sayings.

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