Holy sayings from robin

1. "Do small things with great love."

2. "Let your light shine so brightly that others can see their way out of the dark."

3. "Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see."

4. "In a world where you can be anything, be kind."

5. "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others."

6. "Believe in the power of your dreams and the strength of your spirit."

7. "Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day."

8. "Be the reason someone believes in the goodness of people."

9. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do."

10. "Spread love wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."

Above is Holy sayings from robin.

Sayings in the victorian era

1. Mind your Ps and Qs.2. A penny for your thoughts.3. Spare the rod, spoil the child.4. Actions speak louder than words.5. A stitch in time saves nine.6. Bite the bullet.7. The apple of my eye.8. All's fair in love and war.9. The bee's knees.10. Bob's your uncle.

Emoji sayings for work

1. Work hard 💪, play hard 🎉2. Teamwork makes the dream work 💼3. Stay focused and slay the day 🌟4. Rise and grind ☀️5. Success is the only option 💼💪6. Keep calm and work on 🧘‍♂️7. Work smart, not hard 🧠💼8. Hustle and heart will set you apart 💖9. Dream big, work hard 💭💪10. Stay posi

A list of sayings

1. Actions speak louder than words.2. The early bird catches the worm.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch.4. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.5. A penny saved is a penny earned.6. The grass is always greener on the other side.7. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

Funny child life sayings quotes

1. I asked my mom where babies come from and she said 'from the stork.' I hope they don't drop me on the way! 2. I told my dad I wanted to be a superhero when I grow up. He said, 'You already are, you're my little hero every day.' 3. I asked my little sister why she was crying and she said, 'I

Louis vuitton sayings

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Blobbery sayings

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1. Cu' nun tia' sape, nun tia' mancu. (If you don't know, don't even try.)2. A' malatu ca' nun mori, nun sani. (Don't heal the sick person who doesn't want to get better.)3. Lu tempu passa, ma nun cancia. (Time passes, but it doesn't change.)4. Cu' nun fa' lu' saccu, fa' lu' saccu, fa' lu' pa

Caveman quotes and sayings

1. Me not afraid of hard work, me afraid of no work.2. Me not need fancy things, me need food and fire.3. Me strong like mammoth, me not give up.4. Me hunt today, feast tomorrow.5. Me learn from mistakes, me become better hunter.6. Me not follow others, me make own path.7. Me grateful f