Home inspection sayings

1. "A stitch in time saves nine - catch small problems before they become big ones."

2. "Don't judge a book by its cover - a beautiful home may have hidden issues."

3. "Measure twice, cut once - thorough inspection leads to accurate results."

4. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure - investing in a home inspection can save you money in the long run."

5. "The devil is in the details - pay attention to the small things during inspection."

6. "Trust, but verify - always confirm the condition of a property through inspection."

7. "Safety first - prioritize identifying any potential hazards during inspection."

8. "Knowledge is power - arm yourself with information through a comprehensive home inspection."

9. "Seeing is believing - don't just take the seller's word, verify with a thorough inspection."

10. "A good inspection is like a good insurance policy - it provides peace of mind."

Above is Home inspection sayings.

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