Co tyrone sayings
Here are a few sayings that are commonly heard in County Tyrone, Ireland:
1. "Keep her lit" - Keep going, don't give up.
2. "Dead on" - Good, great, excellent.
3. "Catch yourself on" - Get a grip, wise up.
4. "Aye, right enough" - I agree, that's true.
5. "Away on out of that" - Go away, leave me alone.
6. "Dander up the road" - Go for a walk.
7. "Quare geg" - A bit of banter or teasing.
8. "Sure, it's a quare day for the ducks" - It's raining heavily.
9. "That's some craic" - That's great fun.
10. "Yer man" or "yer woman" - Referring to someone whose name you can't remember.
These sayings reflect the unique dialect and humor of the people in County Tyrone.
Above is Co tyrone sayings.
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