Hoosier sayings

Here are some Hoosier sayings that are commonly used in Indiana:

1. "Hoosier hospitality" - referring to the friendly and welcoming nature of people in Indiana.

2. "Hoosier pride" - a sense of pride and loyalty to the state of Indiana.

3. "You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear" - meaning you can't turn something of low quality into something high quality.

4. "Knee high by the Fourth of July" - a saying about the ideal height corn should be by the Fourth of July in Indiana.

5. "More nervous than a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs" - describing someone who is very anxious or on edge.

6. "Bless your heart" - a phrase used to show sympathy or understanding.

7. "I reckon" - a way of saying "I think" or "I suppose."

8. "Cattywampus" - meaning something is askew or not quite right.

9. "It's raining harder than a cow peeing on a flat rock" - a colorful way of describing heavy rain.

10. "Don't get your knickers in a twist" - advising someone not to get overly upset or worried.

Above is Hoosier sayings.

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