Horse sense sayings

1. "Hold your horses" - Be patient and wait.

2. "Straight from the horse's mouth" - Information that comes directly from a reliable source.

3. "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" - Be grateful for what you receive without questioning its value.

4. "Beating a dead horse" - Wasting time on a futile effort.

5. "A horse of a different color" - Something completely different or unrelated.

6. "Get back on the horse" - Overcome a setback and try again.

7. "Eat like a horse" - Have a big appetite.

8. "Wild horses couldn't drag me away" - Determined and unwilling to be swayed.

9. "Put the cart before the horse" - Doing things in the wrong order.

10. "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink" - You can provide opportunities, but you can't force someone to take advantage of them.

Above is Horse sense sayings.

Dance dad sayings

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