How to make tea towels with sayings

Making tea towels with sayings can be a fun and creative project. Here's a simple guide to help you make your own personalized tea towels:

Materials needed:

1. Plain white or light-colored tea towels

2. Fabric markers or fabric paint

3. Stencils or letter stickers

4. Iron

5. Ironing board

6. Pencil


1. Wash and dry the tea towels to remove any sizing or residue that may interfere with the markers or paint adhering to the fabric.

2. Choose the saying or design you want to put on the tea towels. You can find inspiration online or come up with your own creative phrases.

3. Use stencils or letter stickers to outline the saying on the tea towel. Alternatively, you can freehand the design with a pencil lightly so you can trace over it with the fabric markers or paint.

4. Once you have the design outlined, use fabric markers or paint to fill in the letters and create your desired saying.

5. Let the tea towels dry completely according to the instructions on the fabric markers or paint.

6. Once the design is dry, place a clean cloth over the tea towel and iron over the design to set the markers or paint. Make sure to follow the instructions on the markers or paint for the correct heat setting and ironing time.

7. Your personalized tea towels with sayings are now ready to use or give as gifts!

Remember to follow any specific instructions provided with the fabric markers or paint to ensure the longevity of your design on the tea towels. Have fun creating your own unique tea towels with sayings!

Above is How to make tea towels with sayings.

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