Hungarian sayings about hate

One Hungarian saying about hate is: "A gyűlölet a lelket rágja, mint a féreg a fát." This translates to "Hate gnaws at the soul like a worm gnaws at wood."

Above is Hungarian sayings about hate.

Humorous sayings about whippets

1. Whippets: the only dogs that can outrun a cheetah... in their dreams.2. Whippets: the Ferrari of the dog world, but with more tail wags.3. Whippets: making the world a faster, furrier place, one zoomie at a time.4. Whippets: the only dogs that can make a greyhound look slow.5. Whippets:

Sayings on rock n roll

1. Rock and roll will never die.2. Rock on, rock hard.3. Let the music take control and rock your soul.4. Rock out with your heart out.5. Turn up the volume and let the rock n roll flow.6. In rock we trust.7. Rock n roll is a way of life.8. Live fast, rock hard.9. Rock n roll is reb

French sayings about stars

1. Les étoiles sont les fenêtres du ciel. (Stars are the windows of the sky.)2. Chaque étoile est une lumière dans l'obscurité. (Every star is a light in the darkness.)3. Les étoiles brillent pour ceux qui croient en elles. (Stars shine for those who believe in them.)4. À la nuit, toutes les

Order and chaos sayings

1. Order is the shape upon which beauty depends. - Pearl S. Buck2. Chaos is a friend of mine. - Bob Dylan3. In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity. - Sun Tzu4. Order is the sanity of the mind, the health of the body, the peace of the city, the security of the state. - Petrarch5. C

4 year old sayings

1. I love you to the moon and back!2. I want to be a superhero when I grow up!3. Can we have ice cream for dinner?4. I have a secret hiding spot for my toys!5. I want to stay up all night and never go to bed!6. I can do it by myself, I'm a big kid now!7. Let's have a dance party in the

Nasus sayings

1. The cycle of life and death continues. We will live, they will die.2. The past is just a ghost.3. The sands of time never stop flowing.4. Strength above all.5. The desert's beauty lies beneath the sand.6. I walk through the ages.7. The only true death is to never live.8. The inevit

Brattiness quotes and sayings

1. I'm not spoiled, I just happen to have great taste. 2. I may be bratty, but at least I know what I want. 3. I'm not a princess, I'm a queen. And queens don't settle for less. 4. I'm not being difficult, I'm just being fabulous. 5. I'm not spoiled, I'm just well taken care of. 6. I may

Good horse sayings

1. Hold your horses - meaning to be patient or wait2. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth - meaning to not be critical of a gift or opportunity3. Get back on the horse - meaning to try again after a failure or setback4. Straight from the horse's mouth - meaning information that comes direct

Grandparents vinyl sayings

1. Music is the soundtrack of our lives.2. The crackle of vinyl is the sound of nostalgia.3. In a world of digital noise, vinyl is a breath of fresh air.4. The warmth of vinyl is like a hug for the soul.5. Listening to vinyl is like stepping back in time.6. The pops and clicks of vinyl te

Aruban sayings

1. Pega e balente - Stick to the ball (meaning: stay focused and committed)2. Dushi bida - Sweet life (meaning: enjoy life to the fullest)3. Pon tur cos riba papel - Put everything on paper (meaning: be organized and plan ahead)4. Kuater kant’i kas - Four corners of the house (meaning: famil