Hypocrite sayings for facebook

1. "Do as I say, not as I do."

2. "I'm all about living authentically... on social media."

3. "I believe in honesty and transparency... except when it comes to my online persona."

4. "Practice what you preach... unless it's on Facebook."

5. "I'm all for equality and justice... as long as it doesn't inconvenience me."

6. "I'm a firm believer in self-care... unless it means putting down my phone."

7. "I'm all about being environmentally conscious... except when it comes to my online shopping habits."

8. "I support mental health awareness... but I'll still post about my perfect life."

9. "I believe in spreading positivity... unless it means admitting my own faults."

10. "I'm all for kindness and compassion... unless it's directed at someone I don't like."

Above is Hypocrite sayings for facebook.

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