I hate you but i love you quotes and sayings

1. "I hate you for making me feel so much, but I love you for making me feel alive."

2. "I hate that I can't stop loving you, even though you drive me crazy."

3. "I hate the way you make me feel, but I love that you make me feel something."

4. "I hate that I can't resist you, but I love that you're the one I can't resist."

5. "I hate the way you hurt me, but I love that you're the only one who can heal me."

6. "I hate the way you challenge me, but I love that you push me to be better."

7. "I hate that you're always on my mind, but I love that you're the one I can't forget."

8. "I hate that you make me vulnerable, but I love that you make me feel alive."

9. "I hate that you're so unpredictable, but I love that you keep me on my toes."

10. "I hate that you drive me crazy, but I love that you're the one worth going crazy for."

Above is I hate you but i love you quotes and sayings.

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