Iconic aussie sayings

1. "G'day mate!" - A common Australian greeting

2. "No worries" - Used to express that something is not a problem

3. "Fair dinkum" - Authentic or genuine

4. "She'll be right" - Everything will be okay

5. "Strewth!" - An expression of surprise or disbelief

6. "You beauty!" - An expression of excitement or approval

7. "Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oi, Oi, Oi!" - A chant often heard at sporting events

8. "Chuck a sickie" - To take a day off work pretending to be sick

9. "Bloody oath" - Absolutely true or correct

10. "Crickey!" - An exclamation of surprise or amazement, popularized by Steve Irwin

Above is Iconic aussie sayings.

Johnny lawrence sayings

1. Strike first, strike hard, no mercy.2. Fear does not exist in this dojo.3. Cobra Kai never dies.4. You gotta be a badass to be number one.5. The way of the fist is the only way.6. Mercy is for the weak.7. Pain does not exist in this dojo.8. We do not train to be merciful here. Merc

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Work bag sayings

1. Work hard, stay humble.2. Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.3. Dream big, work hard, stay focused.4. Make it happen.5. The harder you work, the luckier you get.6. Good things come to those who hustle.7. Success is no accident.8. Work smart, not just ha

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Change your life sayings

1. Embrace change, for it is the only constant in life.2. Live in the present moment, for yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not guaranteed.3. Success is not measured by how high you climb, but by how many times you get back up after falling.4. Be the change you wish to see in the world.5. T

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Beautiful woman photo sayings

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