Iconic dolan twins sayings

1. "What's up guys, we're back!"

2. "S'cute!"

3. "Stay weird."

4. "Peace out, Girl Scout."

5. "We're just living life, man."

6. "Love that for us."

7. "Sister squad!"

8. "We're just vibing."

9. "We're just two bros."

10. "Life's a party, rock your body."

Above is Iconic dolan twins sayings.

Sayings about heaven and death

1. Heaven is a place where all your dreams come true, and death is the doorway to that eternal paradise.2. In the end, death is not the end, but the beginning of a new journey to the heavenly realms.3. Heaven is a place of eternal peace and joy, where the souls of the departed find solace and h

Funny sayings abot leitrim

1. Leitrim: where the cows outnumber the people, but the craic is always mighty.2. In Leitrim, even the sheep have a strong sense of community.3. You know you're in Leitrim when the traffic jam is caused by a herd of cows crossing the road.4. Leitrim: where the hills are steep, the rivers are

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1. Every day is a new beginning, take a deep breath and start again.2. Today is a brand new day, make the most of it.3. The sun rises, the day begins, and with it comes a fresh start.4. Each morning we are born again, what we do today matters most.5. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is not yet h

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Famous confucius sayings in chinese

1. 己所不欲,勿施于人。(Do not do to others what you do not want done to yourself.)2. 学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。(Learning without thinking leads to confusion; thinking without learning is dangerous.)3. 己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。(What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.)4. 知之为知之,不知为不知,是知也。(To know what you know and

Boxer shorts funny sayings

1. Warning: May cause sudden bursts of confidence.2. Handle with care: Contains extreme comfort levels.3. Caution: Wearer may experience increased swagger.4. Not responsible for excessive lounging.5. Property of the best boxer wearer in town.6. Handle with care: May contain powerful dad j

30th wedding anniversary card sayings

1. 30 years of love, laughter, and memories. Happy anniversary to a truly amazing couple.2. Three decades of love and commitment - cheers to many more years together.3. Celebrating 30 years of marriage and the beautiful journey you've shared. Here's to many more happy years ahead.4. 30 years

Albanian sayings quotes

1. Në këtë botë, njeriu është si një gjeth i pemës, që fryhet me erën dhe rrëzohet me erën. (In this world, man is like a leaf of a tree, blown by the wind and fallen by the wind.)2. Nëse nuk mund të bësh gjë të madhe, bëj gjëra të vogla me dashuri. (If you cannot do great things, do small thing

Baba bulleh shah sayings

Baba Bulleh Shah was a Punjabi Sufi poet and philosopher known for his spiritual and mystical poetry. Here are some of his famous sayings:1. Love is the only religion, and the only way to reach the ultimate truth.2. Let go of your ego and surrender to the divine will.3. In the garden of love, t

Sayings similar to two sides of the same coin

1. Two peas in a pod2. Birds of a feather flock together3. Like two peas in a pod4. Two sides of the same coin5. Two sides of a coin6. Two sides of a story7. Two sides of an argument8. Two sides of a debate9. Two sides of a situation10. Two sides of a conflict