Impossible love quotes and sayings

1. "Our love is like a flame that burns in the depths of the ocean, beautiful but impossible to reach."

2. "I long for you like the moon longs for the sun, but our love is destined to remain forever apart."

3. "Our love is a forbidden fruit, tantalizingly close yet forever out of reach."

4. "I would cross oceans and climb mountains for you, but our love is a bridge that can never be built."

5. "In a world where we are star-crossed lovers, our love shines brightly but can never be fulfilled."

6. "Our love is a melody that plays in my heart, hauntingly beautiful but forever out of tune."

7. "I would give up everything for you, but our love is a dream that can never be realized."

8. "Like two ships passing in the night, our love is a fleeting moment of beauty in a sea of impossibility."

9. "Our love is a rose that blooms in the desert, exquisite but destined to wither away."

10. "I am a prisoner of our love, locked in a cell of impossibility with no key to set me free."

Above is Impossible love quotes and sayings.

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