In loving memory sayings for dad

1. "Forever in our hearts, forever missed, forever loved."

2. "Dad, your love and guidance will always be with us."

3. "In loving memory of a father who will never be forgotten."

4. "You may be gone from our sight, but you will never be gone from our hearts."

5. "Dad, your legacy of love will live on in us."

6. "In loving memory of a father who was our rock and our hero."

7. "We hold you close within our hearts and there you will remain."

8. "Dad, your memory is a treasure we will always hold dear."

9. "Your love and wisdom will continue to guide us, even in your absence."

10. "In loving memory of a father who left a lasting impact on all who knew him."

Above is In loving memory sayings for dad.

Protestant sayings

1. By grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.2. Sola Scriptura (Scripture alone)3. Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.4. Let go and let God.5. Saved by grace, not by works.6. Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase. - Martin Lu

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9/11 firefighter sayings

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