Infant onesies sayings

1. "Mommy's little miracle"

2. "Daddy's little buddy"

3. "Cuteness overload"

4. "Future heartbreaker"

5. "I'm the boss"

6. "Milk drunk"

7. "Made with love"

8. "Tiny but mighty"

9. "Little peanut"

10. "Snuggle bug"

Above is Infant onesies sayings.

Sister birthday sayings for cards

1. To my amazing sister, may your birthday be as special as you are to me.2. Happy birthday to the best sister in the world! You deserve all the love and happiness today.3. Sisters are like flowers in the garden of life, and you are the most beautiful one. Happy birthday!4. On your special da

Sayings about being cheap

1. Penny wise, pound foolish.2. You get what you pay for.3. Buy cheap, buy twice.4. Being cheap is expensive in the long run.5. A miserly man and a hungry dog are never satisfied.6. The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten.7. Being frugal

Bcba sayings

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African mum sayings

1. If you don't work hard, you will not eat.2. A child who is not disciplined by the village will be disciplined by the world.3. Money does not grow on trees.4. Respect your elders, they have walked the path before you.5. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason - listen more than you s

Sanskrit sayings about teachers

1. Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara, Guru Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Guruve Namaha. - This Sanskrit shloka means, The teacher is like Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Shiva. I bow to that Guru who is the embodiment of the Supreme Brahman.2. Gurur Brahma, Gurur Vishnu, Gurur

Apologize sayings

1. I'm sorry for my actions and I take full responsibility for them.2. I apologize for any hurt or inconvenience I may have caused.3. I regret my behavior and I am truly sorry for it.4. I apologize for my mistake and I will make sure it doesn't happen again.5. I am sorry for any misundersta

Family is sayings

Blood is thicker than water.A family that prays together, stays together.Home is where the heart is.Family is not an important thing, it's everything.The love of a family is life's greatest blessing.Family is like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions yet our roots remai

Dum dum lollipop sayings

1. Suck it up!2. Lick me!3. Sweet on the inside.4. Dum Dum for your thoughts.5. Life is sweet.6. Lick it or leave it.7. Sucker for you.8. Sugar rush ahead.9. Dum Dum love.10. Keep calm and lick on.

Gloominess quotes and sayings

1. The darkest nights produce the brightest stars.2. In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. - Albert Camus3. The sun loved the moon so much, he died every night to let her breathe.4. Even in the darkest moments, there is always a glimmer of h

Folksy sayings of surprise

Well, I'll be hornswoggled!Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!Land sakes alive!Well, butter my biscuit!Hot diggity dog!Good gravy!Great balls of fire!Jumpin' jackrabbits!Slap my knee and call me silly!Sweet sassafras!