Inspirational new year sayings
1. "Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right." - Oprah Winfrey
2. "Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one." - Brad Paisley
3. "New year, new beginnings, new mindset, new focus, new intentions, new results." - Unknown
4. "The best is yet to come." - Unknown
5. "Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world." - Harriet Tubman
6. "Believe you can and you're halfway there." - Theodore Roosevelt
7. "This is the beginning of anything you want." - Unknown
8. "Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going." - Sam Levenson
9. "You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream." - C.S. Lewis
10. "May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can." - Neil Gaiman
Above is Inspirational new year sayings.
1. Jesus is the reason for the season.2. Glory to the newborn King.3. O come let us adore Him.4. Peace on earth, goodwill to all.5. For unto us a child is born.6. Joy to the world, the Lord has come.7. Emmanuel, God with us.8. Rejoice, for unto us a Savior is born.9. The light of th
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. - This saying is often attributed to President George W. Bush, although it is actually an old proverb. It means that if someone deceives you once, it's their fault, but if they deceive you again, it's your fault for trusting them again.
1. Innovate or stagnate.2. Success is a journey, not a destination.3. Teamwork makes the dream work.4. Embrace change or get left behind.5. Quality is not an act, it is a habit.6. Think big, act bold.7. Failure is simply the opportunity to begin again, this time more intelligently.8.
1. Defense wins championships2. Offense sells tickets, defense wins games3. No pain, no gain4. Leave it all on the field5. Heart over height6. In football, as in life, the difference between winning and losing is attitude7. Play like a champion today8. It's not the size of the dog in