Italian sayings about food and family

1. "Chi mangia solo crepa solo." - "He who eats alone dies alone."

2. "A tavola non s'invecchia." - "At the table, one does not grow old."

3. "La cucina piccola fa la casa grande." - "A small kitchen makes a big home."

4. "Mangia bene, ridi spesso, ama molto." - "Eat well, laugh often, love much."

5. "La famiglia e il cibo sono le due cose piu importanti nella vita." - "Family and food are the two most important things in life."

6. "Dove c'e cibo, c'e famiglia." - "Where there is food, there is family."

7. "In cucina si mischiano gli ingredienti, in famiglia si mischiano le emozioni." - "In the kitchen, ingredients are mixed, in the family, emotions are mixed."

8. "La cucina e il cuore della casa." - "The kitchen is the heart of the home."

9. "Con la famiglia e il cibo, si puo superare qualsiasi cosa." - "With family and food, anything can be overcome."

10. "La famiglia che mangia insieme, resta unita." - "The family that eats together, stays together."

Above is Italian sayings about food and family.

Famous sayings about thieves

1. A thief is a thief, whether he steals a diamond or a cucumber. - Indian Proverb2. It takes a thief to catch a thief. - English Proverb3. The thief is sorry that he is to be hanged, not that he is a thief. - Turkish Proverb4. A thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich.

Competitive cheerleading sayings

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About as funny as a sayings

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