Japanese girl sayings

Here are some popular Japanese girl sayings:

1. "Kawaii" (かわいい) - This means cute or adorable.

2. "Ganbatte" (がんばって) - This is a word of encouragement meaning "do your best" or "hang in there."

3. "Sugoi" (すごい) - This means amazing or incredible.

4. "Yatta" (やった) - This is an expression of joy or victory, similar to saying "hooray" or "I did it."

5. "Aishiteru" (愛してる) - This means "I love you."

6. "Itadakimasu" (いただきます) - This is said before eating to express gratitude for the meal.

7. "Otsukaresama desu" (お疲れ様です) - This is a polite way to say "thank you for your hard work" or "you've worked hard."

8. "Nande mo nai" (なんでもない) - This means "it's nothing" or "don't mention it."

9. "Genki desu ka?" (元気ですか) - This means "how are you?" or "are you well?"

10. "Yoroshiku onegaishimasu" (よろしくお願いします) - This is a versatile phrase used to express goodwill, request a favor, or introduce oneself politely.

Above is Japanese girl sayings.

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