Japanese sayings about beginnings

1. "一寸先は闇" (Issun saki wa yami) - "Just a little ahead is darkness." This saying conveys the idea that the future is uncertain and unknown.

2. "一日一歩" (Ichi-nichi ippo) - "One day, one step." This saying emphasizes the importance of taking small, consistent steps towards a goal or new beginning.

3. "初心に帰る" (Shoshin ni kaeru) - "Return to the beginner's mind." This saying encourages people to approach new beginnings with a fresh and open mindset, free from preconceptions and biases.

4. "百聞は一見に如かず" (Hyaku bun wa ikken ni shikazu) - "Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times." This saying highlights the importance of taking action and experiencing things firsthand, especially when starting something new.

5. "一期一会" (Ichi-go ichi-e) - "One time, one meeting." This saying reminds us to cherish each encounter and experience as a unique and irreplaceable moment, especially at the beginning of a new journey.

Above is Japanese sayings about beginnings.

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