Jewish funny sayings

1. "Why did the Jewish man bring a ladder to the bar? He heard the drinks were on the house!"

2. "I asked my Jewish friend how he was doing, and he replied, 'Oy vey, don't ask!'"

3. "Why did the Jewish mother make her son wear two jackets to the party? In case he got a cold shoulder!"

4. "I told my Jewish grandmother I was feeling a little under the weather, and she said, 'Well, at least you're not under the deli!'"

5. "Why did the Jewish man refuse to play hide and seek? Because good luck finding anything in his mother's house!"

6. "My Jewish friend told me he was going to a seafood restaurant, and I said, 'Isn't that against your religion?' He replied, 'Not if it's lox and bagels!'"

7. "Why did the Jewish man bring a pencil to the restaurant? In case he wanted to take notes during the meal!"

8. "I asked my Jewish neighbor if he wanted to go for a run, and he said, 'I don't run unless I'm being chased!'"

9. "Why did the Jewish woman bring a map to the grocery store? So she could find the aisle with the best deals!"

10. "I told my Jewish friend I was going on a diet, and he said, 'Good luck, you'll need it more than Moses needed a GPS in the desert!'"

Above is Jewish funny sayings.

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